

Software Engineer

Hey there! 👋 I'm Hòa.

Software Engineer with 2+ years of experience. I am confident in my knowledge of software development concepts, industry best practices, and modern software technologies.

Tech stacks: Golang Python PostgreSQL MongoDB AWS GCP

Feel free to connect with me on twitter and GitHub!


Load Testing with K6

I had the opportunity to optimize my company's product search engine. My goal was to reduce its response time compared to the previous codebase. To ensure this ...


Looking back on 2024

I'm not entirely sure what to say right now. I was feeling so unmotivated and unsure if I should even write this, but somehow, here we are. 2024 felt like a mes...

Go Language

Live Reloading in Go

Live reload is a handy feature that enables developers to view updates to their code instantly, streamlining the workflow by removing the need to manually stop ...


Jenkins Pipeline - Getting Started

In today's rapidly evolving software development landscape, automation plays a crucial role in meeting the demands of modern development cycles. Among the most ...

Go Language

Concurrency in Golang

After reading the Concurrency chapter in Learning Go - An Idiomatic Approach to Real-World Go Programming, I was surprised by how different Golang’s approach to...

System Design

The CAP Theorem

In the current technical landscape, there is a growing trend toward scaling systems by adding more resources, such as compute and storage, to efficiently manage...

System Design

Snowflake ID generator in distributed systems

In the previous article, we covered creating a URL shortener, and I explained that I selected the Twitter snowflake algorithm for generating IDs. In this articl...

Go Language

Building a URL Shortener Service using Golang

This tutorial will show how to build a URL shortener similar to TinyURL, covering both the design and implementation aspects. Technologies Golang Gin Framewor...